Honoring Our Elder Leonard Peltier

We have been greatly heartened and inspired by the recent good news of Leonard Peltier’s executive clemency and return home to the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Reservation.

I am tired, I want to go home. I want to continue my artwork, I want to plant a garden, I want to walk in the forest, I want to walk in the fields, I just want to lie down on the grass and feel the sun against my skin. I want to be able to hold my family close to me and not have someone tell me time's up.” – Leonard Peltier

After nearly 50 years of unjust incarceration, this now elder warrior of AIM, the American Indian Movement, and symbol of Indigenous resistance was given a rousing hero’s welcome by his family and community on February 18-19, 2025. Numerous communities held local regional celebrations in the days leading up to and after his release.

Leonard’s principled stand in defense of traditionalist elders in the 1970s and outspokenness about all injustices, throughout his long years in federal maximum-security prison, have earned him a respected place in the hearts and minds of many people of good conscience globally.

His internationally renowned painting expresses the diversity, depth, beauty and dignity, of Indigenous peoples. His sacrifice on behalf of Indigenous peoples’ right to safe, self-determined, and sovereign futures has been an important inspiration for all of us at OJI:SDA’ Sustainable Indigenous Futures.

We encourage you to share his story, and those of the many others who sacrificed their lives, comfort, and freedom in the cause of Indigenous peoples’ rights and defense of the land, with your children, families, and communities. From Alaska to Argentina, and all around the world, there have always been brave ones of all ages standing for the protection of their people, territories, and ways of life. Their stories hold important wisdom and energy we and future generations need to continue weathering the challenges before us, while doing the groundwork for healthy sustainable futures for all our communities.

That generation stood up against the most powerful government in the world and they instilled that pride back into our people,” he said. “They instilled that fight back into our people. This effort was successful because we walked on prayer, because we walked in our ceremonies. That was the foundation of this effort.” – Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective

Leonard has vowed to keep up the good fight for what’s right. May we all stay inspired and fired up to work together for a world where Indigenous peoples and lands are seen, heard, respected, and protected! Thank you for your continued support of our organization’s work and please join us in much deep and sincere gratitude to Leonard Peltier!

No human being should ever have to fear for his own life because of political or religious beliefs. We are all in this together, my friends, the rich, the poor, the red, white, black, brown and yellow. We share responsibility for Mother Earth and those who live and breathe upon her...never forget that.”― Leonard Peltier

OJI:SDA’ Sustainable Indigenous Futures

OJI:SDA’ celebrates and honors Leonard Peltier, Elder of the American Indian Movement

#LeonardPeltier #AmericanIndianMovement #AIM #freedom #politicalprisoner

2024 OJI:SDA’ Highlights